There are occupations of public buildings in the whole public sector; from Ministries to Organisations and enterprises, there are occupations all around the country.
We are entering the most critical week regarding the 'multi-bill' that includes salary and pension cuts (common payroll), new tax measures, layoffs for employees ('labour reserve') and the abolishment of collective bargaining. Unions escalate their reactions and are going on a 48-hour general strike on 19th and 20th October.
In addition, many Professional Bodies go on rolling 24-hour strikes (Agricultural Bank of Greece), employees of the written and electronic press go on strike (there will be no newspapers on Wednesday, the first day of the two-day mobilisation of all employees). At the same time, many syndicates are planning to occupy buildings and block roads and public organisations.
In short, conflicts are expected and anyone that needs to travel will find it very hard. In some cases, it is expected that extreme actions of blind violence might even take place.
Based on previous mobilisations and worker reactions, it is estimated that this will be a tense week. Increased vigilance and a cool head is needed to avoid any extreme and dangerous developments in this electric atmosphere.
At the same time, the development of the voting in the Parliament turns the city centre into a strategic spot as far as the rallies are concerned; and a political centre for the next few days. More so because it is not yet guaranteed that the bill containing all these anti-worker and radical measures will pass.
The widespread economic and social paralysis, due to the mass demonstrations and actions, is also expected to turn into a movement of political disobedience and resistance to the horizontal and unfair measures the government is trying to enforce.
source PREZA TV via StopCartel